The students have had a fantastic start to the school year.  They are completing their homework, working hard in class, showing good sportsmanship in gym and most importantly being kind to each other.  I am very proud of our school family! Throughout the first 6 weeks of school we have been working together to earn marbles.  Why marbles you may ask?  In our classroom there is a marble drop.  Each day I drop in marbles when the students earn them (for a variety of reasons).  Once in awhile a few marbles are taken out, for less than desirable behavior.  Recently, we reached our goal of collecting 50 marbles.  As the deal is set up, 50 marbles equals a class party.  Great job Rankin’s Ultimate Underdogs!  Below is a picture of our ceremonial 50th marble being dropped into the tube.

7 thoughts on “WE HAVE REACHED 50 MARBLES!

  1. Mr Rankin
    Firstly congratulations to your students on the 50 marbles success, look forward to hearing the report about the class celebration. Secondly I’ve seen many class rewards programs but I really like your idea of one, and it was great to see the photo of the student holding the chute with the marbles in it, its a great teaching idea thanks for sharing.

  2. Congratulations to the Ultimate Underdogs for earning their target of 50 marbles. In year 3 we have to collect 100 marbles a week! The children earn marbles collectively by working together as a team. When we earn the marbles we can take part in a range of free time activities and we go on school trips.

    How was your party?

    1. First off, thank you for commenting on our blog page. We really enjoy hearing from people around the world. The party was a lot of fun. We decided to do a movie party/games party. The movie was good because we got to eat popcorn, squares and chips. Also, there was 4 types of pop to choose from. I can’t beleive you have to earn 100 marbles/week…that sounds like a lot. However, having some choice as to the fun free time you get would be worth it. What are some of your options fro free time? Take care.

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