Field Trip to Edmonton

On Thursday, December 1 Rankin’s Ultimate Underdogs traveled to Edmonton.  While there we made two stops: The Aviation Museum and City Hall.  The Aviation Museum was very educational.  The students learned more about the four forces of flight, the history of flight and how engines work.  As well, they got to have an up-close look at all of the airplanes in the hanger.  Some students even got to sit in an old fighter jet.  City Hall was very educational as well.  While there there we were treated to a “behind the scenes” tour of the building.  We were also given more insight into the daily operations of government.  The highlight for most students was probably the LRT ride at the end of the day.



1.  What were a couple of things you learned on the field trip?

2.  What was your favoirite part of the field trip?  Why?

20 thoughts on “Field Trip to Edmonton

  1. This was such a fun day. My favorite part of this field trip was going on the LRT(train).It was fun to ride. we went to the city hall and it was amazing.The building was huge. Nancy the instructor told us about pedway signs In the building. It tells you if your above ground or under. It was so cool. For most of the time we were undre ground.One time we were above by the highway. It was an amazing field trip.

  2. I learned a lot on the field trip. But what stuck out was how the engiene worked. My favirote thing would have to be the LRT ride.

  3. I learned the names of some old planes like the misquito and the viking. My favorite part was going on the train i really loved how it made me feel.

  4. Hi I liked the field trip. It was cool. One thing i learned that it doesnt matter what shape the hot air balloon is. Also I learned that fabric was on a plaine before. MY favorite part was when we went into a plain because I never been in a old plain before.

  5. I loved the field trip. They had so many planes.I learned that it doesn’t matter what shape hot air balloons are. Also I learned that some planes covers were made out of fabric.My favorite part of the field trip was when we got to get up and look at the planes. They were so fastinating! 🙂

  6. I learned when we were at city hall and went under ground to the trains that the ped way signs show what floor your on. Where ever the feet are thats were you are there are three levels so if the feet are on the second box you know you are on the second floor. It was pretty cool. i also got to see the first hot air balloon ever flown over edmonton it was really neat i also got to go into two airplanes. it was a great time.

  7. This trip was lots of fun!! My favotite part was when we got to look around the musem and siin the old planes. I learned that an old plane can only hold 6 people!! We also went to Edmontons City Hall. We got to ride the LRT. Its kind of like a underground train. Ther was a river room. It was called that because it had a HUGE painting of a river! The artist signed with a picture of her daughter and best friend.
    Thanks for reading.

  8. This field trip was sooo fun .My favorite thing about the field trip is when we went on the train at the city hall beause i neverd been on then in a long time and the thing are on the roof they are fun to hold on to. I leaned about that the mayor is in city hall and i never new that . Also i leaned about was that most air planes fly for a long time and some dont. thanks you for reading thanks.

  9. I learned that if you dont know where you are thaan you can loook at a little sign and if the feet are on the bottom yor underground and if there at the middle your level with the ground but if its at the top your above the ground. my favorite parts of the field trip were going in the council chambers and riding on the lrt.

  10. That was a great field trip. One thing I learned was that there were 4 cities going for capital city. My favorite part of the trip was riding on the LRT because, when we crossed the bridge we had a great view of the river, and it was fu when we started going and when we stopped.

  11. It was a great trip! Thank you Underdogs for allowing me to come along, I had a blast! Great class picture! 🙂

  12. On the field trip I learned a lot about flight and airplanes. One of the things I learned was what some of the airplane wings were made out of. Surprisingly, some of them are made out of fabric with a thick coat of special paint. Others that needed to go fast were made out of metal. They are made this way so if the went really fast the wings won’t rip.
    At the Edmonton city hall we learned a lot about the past mayors. Most of them had really cool mustaches. Also at the city hall we saw the room were they decide new laws and issues.My favourite part of the field was the city hall becuase we got to ride on the LRT and it was fun. Overall, the field trip was really interesting and fun.

  13. The field trip was so fun. some things I learned that there is two time capsules in the Edmonton city hall. at the Aviation museum learned that some old planes are made of fabric that was so weird.My favroit part was the subway tour it was so fun. we went from the city hall to the univercity in five minits. that was my favroit part.

  14. The field trip was so fun. My favorite part was looking at all the cool planes. The plane that we got to sit in was my favortie plane there. Likely City Hall was really fun. My favorite part of City Hall was the Council Chambers. In the river room their is a paintin of the city of Edmonton. The field Trip ruled.

  15. Excited, on the field trip I learned alot about flight and airplanes. one of the things i learned was that airplane wings were suprisingly made out of fabric with a thick coat of special paint. some of the airplanes had to go really fast so they were made out of metal. one of the airplanes we could go in the cookipit of it. The Edmonton city hall was cool too. we got to ride in the LRT it was sweet. we whent to the council chamber it was okay.

  16. The trip was amazing! the avation museum was mind blowingly awesome. I learnt that old airplanes were made of wood and cloth. But my favorite part was the City Hall the time capsules were so cool we also seen a very nice painting thank you for the field trip!

  17. I learnd is that there are manny planes in the world. Way more then i thought. I also learnd that you can use pettle air planes to get around. I also learnd that planes ar4e the safest way to get around. My favorite part of the feild trip was going into the airplanes the seats where really soft. My other favorite part of the feild trip was writting down what i saw on the planes. Thanks for reading BYE.

  18. i learned that the couple airplanes in 1758 they used peadls for the airplane to fly. when they made airpalnes they hade a specil kind of paint.

    the faviorte part was when i went into the airplane.

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